Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!

Today is a big day in our nation's history.
November 4th, 2008, election day.
(It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible. George Washington)
This is my first presidential election to be able to vote in, and that's pretty exciting in itself.
McCain/Palin. All the way.
Any who, life is good. School is good. We have only 13 days until Thanksgiving break.
Excited is an understatement on my part. :)
Our BSU costume party went great. We had a huge turnout, and there were some very interesting costumes.

"Grease" :)

Salt & Pepper, Pepsi Machine, Pink Kangaroo (Dr. Seuss), and myself.

Where's Waldo??, Christmas Tree, The Incredible's.
Dr. McCoy
Papaw & Mamaw (both girls, haha), Fred Flintstone, & Raggedy Ann.
Nick & I, Play-Doh, Joel Osteen, Moses, John the Baptist, Deviled Egg.
The End.
Go Vote.
Love God, Love people.


Timeshare Jake said...

You are making the right choice! Enjoy your freedom today.

The Gillentines said...

The girls loved your costume, they said she is sooo cute!!! It looks like you all had a great time.