Friday, August 10, 2012

August 2012.

What's been going on lately?
1. Started back to school @ NP on July 31. Been going strong ever since.
2. Have I mentioned I'm teaching back @ NP? My home school. I love it so much!
3. My boss/principal/friend is awesome! She just had her sweet baby girl, so she's at home loving on her. Miss her so much!
4. Marriage is still amazing, and it seriously gets better every single day. Some days I think there isn't any way I could love Paul anymore because I feel like I love him SO much...but it comes..somehow. It's a love only God could create and bless me with. And I love it so much. I am so blessed to share life with my best friend.
5. My BABY sister stared her SENIOR year of high school. Pinch me, please. She should NOT be graduating. Seems like yesterday I was walking in her shoes. I'm SOOOO unbelieveably proud of the woman she is becoming. She strives to follow the Lord, and it's evident in every area of her life.
6. My 3 little cousins are fastly growing too. Mimi started 8th grade, KK started 6th grade, & my little smush Payton is 3(1/2) years old. Too bad life doesn't have a pause button. I'd sure push it sometimes.
7. Our famililes are great! Paul's dad will be facing surgery in a few weeks, and we are praying now for that journey and road to recovery. We have a million things to thank God for everyday.
8. Paul and I have just have some really exciting things going on in our life right now!!
9. Our God is good all the time.
10. I'm blessed beyond anything I could have ever imagined or dreamed of.

Life is good, and I cannot thank my sweet Savior enough for being so good to me.

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.


Lauren said...

so sweet! I'm so glad you are happy! North is sooo lucky to have you!

Libby said...

You definitely have had a lot going on lately! I can not believe Britt is a senior! These kiddos are making me old!! I remember when she started middle school!! :)
im so thrilled you are at NPUE! Im so thankful it worked out where I could hold that position until the right person, God's person, came along to teach, love, and guide these precious students!! Its gonna be a great year!! love you!