Thursday, July 16, 2009

What's been going on?

Goodness, I'm officially the biggest procrastinator when it comes to blogging. I want to blog, and have many things to say...BUUUT it seems I can never find time here in California.'s what I've been up to the past few weeks!
1)We celebrated the 4th of July @ the beach. A fun night with the girls.

2)During BIG A Club we have: Went mini-golfing, hiking, had pottery day, Pinata Day, Water game day, and Messy games. BUUUSSSY!! But it's been well worth it. I know that numbers aren't important, but they show that God is at work here in Tahoe. We've had up to 139 kids, and that's HUGE for a normal BIG A day. It's been exciting. Here are pictures. :)

I absolutely love these kids!

This is Rory. He has the energy of about 10 kids, haha!

A-man on the slippin slide!

Tavo, my little spider monkey.

Cole and I after water day! Exhausted, but still smiling! :)

MESSY GAMES!! I will never think of chocolate pudding the same again!

We studied about families this week in preschool. Here's our little family pictures.

3)And last, but not least, weekends are always busy too. From church to the lake we go non-stop.

Andrea and I broke the missionary curse by both wakeboarding on Lake Tahoe. :) Whoo! Usually only 1 missionary gets up, but we both did.

This is the boat man, Jonathan. He has an awesome story!

Sooo, we are going strong! God is working, and blessing. We're soaking up these last 2 weeks with the kids! Musical practice is going strong. I have practice with all the speaking part kids every Tuesday night. They are working hard. Ready for the musical! (July 29th)

Love and miss y'all so much. See you sooooon! :)

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.

Friday, July 3, 2009

What have I been doing?

Forgive me. It's been too long since my last post.
I have been busy non-stop here in Tahoe. Which, I'm not complaining, the time is flying by. We are having a good time.

Since my last post I've been on a 5 mile hike, which was beautiful. Exhausting, but so pretty. Annnd, Carnival day was a success!! We had 177 kids, whoooo! Organized chaos is what I like to call it. The summer missionaries also got to spend our weekend in San Francisco. It was a fun trip, and so many memories were made.

This week I got to help take the 1st-6th graders on a hike to Squaw Valley Waterfalls. The view was amazing but the water was FREEZING. I supervised while their little teeth chattered. The next day we went to Wild Island, a water park in Reno, NV. It was my favorite day of the summer so far. Just being away with the kids having fun was awesome. They were so funny and loved getting to ride the slides with their teachers. Today was also nerd day here at Big A. All of the summer missionaries dressed up for the occasion. However, most of our kids forgot. It was a fun day though. We had HUGE numbers at Big A this week. So praise the Lord for that.

This weekend is 4th of July. And I for one, am thankful for the men and women who fight for our freedom. This is very dear to my heart because one of my best friends Ashley Cox's husband, Chris, is leaving for Iraq for a second term in a few days. He's giving up, willing, a whole year so that you and I might have the freedoms that we do. Pray for him and my sweet Ashley. They are precious people in my life.

Here in Tahoe we're celebrating the 4th by sleeping in and having pancakes for brunch. We then plan to grill hamburgers and hot dogs for lupper (lunch/supper). And after that we'll head down to the beach for the fireworks with all the thousands, upon thousands of other people, seriously. I'm not too excited about the crowd situation, but how many times will I get to celebrate on the beach in Tahoe with my missionary friends, right?!

My girls :)

Our Golden Gate Bridge picture. Sooooo windy.

Alcatraz. So neat.

This is Cole. Funniest kid I have ever met in my life. I spent the day at the water park with him, and I'm seriously sore from laughing. Many stories to tell about him.

Seriously do NOT know what I'd do without her. Love you Andres!

These two keep me smiling ALL day. Talon and Oliver.

Little Seth told his dad.."Daddy, I have songs in my belly button. Push it." Then he proceeded to sing the songs from our summer musical. Precious isn't the word.

Check out this video, seriously! It's Seth singing a song in our musical, One Good Lookin' Hebrew! PRESH! :)

Happy 4th of July! That's about it for now. Thank you for your prayers. I miss y'all. See you less than a month from now.

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.