Saturday, February 27, 2010

Who do you love the least?

Seriously, who do you love the least?

Think about it.

If you could chose ONE person, and just say.."Yeah, that's definitely the person I love the least. Who would it be?

Think about it.

I mean we're called to love everybody as Christians. But there are some people we just love less than others, right?

Think about it.

Is it your mom? Your dad? A sibling? A relative? A friend from high school? A friend from college? A person in the BSU? A church member? A person in your youth group? Your college class? Your teacher? Your next door neighbor? A person in the community?

Have you thought about your person?

That's how much you love Jesus.

Matthew 25:40 says "The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'

At my church we have been talking a lot about this concept. I don't want to love Jesus like that, ever. He loves me unconditionally on a daily basis, all day mind is too small to grasp that concept. Even when I am unfaithful and not paying Him any attention He's still working in my life. Who am I to deserve that kind of grace?

Work on loving the person you love least today.

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Time is flying.

February where did you go?!
I can't believe this month is almost over.
I mean it seriously seems like yesterday was February 1st.
Despite all the busyness and running around, it's been a very good month.

1. We celebrated my sweet Mama's birthday.
2. Finished our CD for our fundraiser at church. (finally, whooo!)
*If you would like one, they're $10 and all $ goes to our mission trip to Maine.
3. Celebrated my first Valentine's day with my first boyfriend, ever. :)
4. Turned in 72 lesson plans, 2 midterms, 3 tests, an interactive bulletin board, 48 hours of practicum.
5. Threw Whitney a lingerie shower. (too much fun)
6. Bridesmaid dress fitting (# 3 for the year...3 of my sweet friends are getting hitched this year) :)

I'm sure there will be plenty more to happen in the next few days of February but for now I'm soaking up the days with my roomie. Whit's getting married in 16 days..........yo time, slow down a little.

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Mama.

Today is my Mama's birthday! :)
And I seriously can't say enough about her.

-She's the one who carried me for 9 months, and I can tell you from the pictures she had to be one miserable woman.

-She's the one who rocked, vacuumed, ran the washing machine, drove me around, etc. all so I'd go to sleep. (I had the colic and I cried nonstop...poor mama and daddy!)

-She's the one who dressed me in all the pretty dresses and all the pretty bows.

-She's the one who kissed my boo-boos when I fell off the swing set or fell off my bike.

-She's the one who taught me things like the difference between hot and cold, day and night, right and wrong.

-She's the one who tells me I'm beautiful and laughs at my jokes.

-She's the one who consoled me through the teenage "heartbreaks" and told me I'd be stronger because of them.

-She's the one who took me to get my driver's license.

-She's the one who spends money on her kids before herself.

-She's the one who has prayed for me every single day of my life.

-She's the one who would do anything in the world for me.

-She's the one I look up to.

Mama, I hope I can be half the woman and mother you are. You are such a great role model and I love you so very much. Thank you for all you do!

Happy Birthday!! :)

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.