Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, 4 that is!

48, 16, 2, 23.

To my amazing Daddy...You are, quite possibly, the greatest man I know.
You have shown me what Christ's love looks like.
I've seen first hand, in our very own family, what it's like not to have that and that thought breaks my heart.
As I sit here typing, I can't help but praise my sweet Savior for you. For your patience and kindness. For your genuine love for Jesus, Mama, Brit and I, and our church.
Thank you for always leading our family. I've never had to question whether or not you love me. Or whether or not we were going to church.
It's evident and known.
It's the little things in life you've shown me that mean more than you'll ever know. Like how to save my money and
how to serve others before myself. You've taught me that even in the valley, our God is still good.
Thank you for the Christian values you've instilled and continue to instill in my life.
Not to mention, you put up with THREE women on a daily basis. You are superman!
I hope you have a wonderful 48th birthday Daddy! I love you more than I have words to describe!

To my lovely sister...Can you seriously be 16 years old today? Let me soak that in for a second...or two, maybe three.
In a few days, you'll be driving. No more, "Ash, run me here or there." Can I admit that I'm kind of already sad about that?
Britta, you are wonderful and if I could, I'd slow time down.
You are such a beautiful young lady, full of life and love.
You light up a room when you walk in.
You have BIG dreams for your future, and I believe in you!
You are so persistent, and I love that about you! You never give up, or let anybody tell you something can't be done.
You've been by my side through thick and thin, a best friend.
I'm proud to call you my sister!!
I love you Britta, and I've always got your back!
Happy sweet 16! I hope this year brings you more happiness than you've ever known!

To my little man, aka smush : 2 years ago we rushed to the hospital to hold you...2 years later and we are still jumping at every chance to pick you up and love on you.
You have brought so much joy and laughter to our family.
I can ask you, "How old will you be?" and you reply, proudly, "Twooo."
Mickey Mouse and Dukes of Hazzard are your favorite TV shows right now and you make sure that we understand that. :)
With my help, you can say your alphabet, numbers 1-12, and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Talk about making my heart melt...you sure know how to!
Please stop growing up so fast!!!
I love you little man! Happy Birthday Pay-Pay!

And to Jacob...Happy Birthday Jake! I've know you for a little over 10 years now I guess and we actually became 'real' friends about 6 years ago.
It seems like a lot longer, for sure. From late night summer study sessions, to laughing at Chris, to singing at church and mission trips...
I'd say we've made plenty of awesome memories!!
Thanks for being such a great friend!
You have always set such a Godly example, and you are so smart in the Word. I can always count on you to pray.
I'm blessed to call you friend! Happy 23! Hope it's the best year yet! Love ya Jake!

January 26, a day that will forever hold a special place in my heart!

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What could be BETTER???

It's my 100th post!!!

And it SNOWED, again!! A LOT!
Like 8 inches a lot!!
The weatherman said it hasn't snowed this much since the late 80's...I was an infant. :)

Talk about going wild and crazy...we did!

NO school. Built a snowman. Threw hundreds of snowballs. Rolled in the snow. Rode the car hood. Smiled for a million pictures. Built a six foot+ snowman. Threw more snowballs.

Amazing...what an understatement!!

**the only thing missing was Paul...being a police officer, he still had to work :(

Here are a few pictures of our snow day 1/10/2011!

Only the beginning!!

Payton kept calling the snow "duck poop"...hahaha!

Car hood=sooo much fun!!

Payton's little snowman...he refused to keep his gloves on!

First snowman Brit, Mimi, and I built!

After the car hood...a mess, but who cares!! :)

We played outside again when Daddy got home!

We even built a little snowman for our mailman.

Basically, yesterday was AWESOME!! Thank you Lord for reminding us that you love us so much!!! :)

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What's been going on?

I just realized I haven't blogged in FOREVER.
Busy...totally an understatement.

We celebrated Christmas with our family and friends.

I pondered so much over Christmas about how and why Jesus
would choose to come to Earth to save me.

He left the SPLENDOR of Heaven,
to be born in a manager with stinky animals,
knowing full well He'd be rejected
by every person on Earth...and He came.

Without any hesitation.

I'm not worthy. (not even close!)

So, long story short. Christmas was wonderful! :)

And it SNOWED!!!!!!

Paul and I celebrated New Years Eve in Jacksonville, Florida
with 2 of our precious friends, Cory & Cassie!

We ventured to the GATOR BOWL!!!!

We rang cowbells. Screamed. High-fived. Listen to Michigan fans whine about losing. Rang cowbells. Clapped. Cheered. M-S-U. Rang cowbell. Rang cowbell.

Think you might get the picture.

Mississippi State football team, fans, & band dominated.

Hail State!

On our way home we ate a little seafood shack.

Singleton's Seafood Shack to be exact.
Such a fun trip!! :)

I start my FINAL semester of college tomorrow! I'll be student teaching! I'm so nervous, excited, etc. Lots of emotions!!! Say a prayer if you will.

Happy 2011!!

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.