Friday, October 30, 2009

Past Halloweens.

This is the first year I haven't been to a costume party in a while. It's always so exciting to brainstorm about what you'll be. Crazy and wild ideas tend to come to mind...but figuring out how to get into character is usually the hard part.
Even though I'm not planning on going all out this year for a costume, I thought I'd post some old pictures of Halloween costumes. The BSU costume party was always so fun. College student's costumes are the best because everyone is on a tight budget. Hope you enjoy these memories friends. :)

Adam and Eve, classic.

Carson and I dressed as old folks. Papaw and Mamaw. And we won.

Next year, Whit and I went as Tom and Jerry :)

Melonie and Ray were Pac Man characters.

Ninja Turtles and Gansta Claire.

This past year, Nick and I went as characters from Grease. (Danny and Sandy) Here we are with the Incredibles.

Joel Osteen, Moses, and John the Baptist.

Where's Waldo and a Christmas Tree.

The deviled egg.

Pepsi Machine and the Pink Kangaroo (Dr. Suess).

Betty, Wilma, & Pebbles.

Wonderful memories, the best of friends, & one unforgettable place. (our beloved ICC BSU)

Happy Halloween everybody!

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.

Friday, October 23, 2009

unfailing love.

Last night on campus we had an amazing worship service. It was called After Dark. We spontaneously went, and I'm so glad that we did. Tyson Lee (how awesome to have a quarterback sold out to Christ) gave his testimony and we had an wonderful speaker, Joe White. Joe showed a video, similar to this one, about a young man who has cerebral palsy. You all know I have a heart for special needs, and this definitely is no exception.
Watch it.
And remember that when we feel like we can't make it through, our Father will carry us.

(remember to pause my other music first)

Can you even begin to grasp how much our Heavenly Father loves us? Even more than this.

Be thankful for His unfailing love today.

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

life is good.

I have the greatest: Family, Boyfriend, Friends, Church, Roomie in the entire world.
Just saying.
My life is just good.
I am blessed.
And I forget to stop and ponder about these things way too often. So today, I'm extremely thankful for the good and bad. For all the valleys that have made me stronger, and for all the mountain tops that have made me grateful.

One little chap I'm thankful for especially is my little sister, Britta. She's the best sister anyone could ask for. Being away at college the past 3 years has made me realize just how much I love her. She's one of the few people I could trust with my life. I love her so much, and I can't believe how fast she's growing up. She's maturing into such a wonderful young lady, and it's a joy to watch. She's a natural born leader, and she loves the Lord. I'm so proud of her, and I don't tell her near enough.

I love you Britta!
I'll always be your biggest fan!

Speaking of growing little smoosh. He is simply adorable. And growing like a weed.

Look at those little shoes :)

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.

Monday, October 5, 2009

fall break.

Fall break. I love it so much.
Two days to rest up and catch up from the busyness of school and life in general.
In Sunday school yesterday we talked about Psalm 23, and last night Bro. Jimmy preached out of Psalm 46. Just a good Sunday really.

We got new Sunday school books yesterday morning; therefore, Debo (my SS teacher), and our class, as a whole, opted to use our new book and "go with the flow." (Our class is all about that :) It was just what I needed.

Psalm 23, I've read this scripture about a bazillion times...and still God used it to speak to me. :) (vs 2-3) "He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul..." Basically, our SS lesson in a nutshell said this..No matter what your current circumstances are, God is there to guide you, give you peace of mind, and protect your steps.

And then Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God." Be still could be translated as "give up" or "let yourself become weak." This was just such a wonderful reminder that my God is in control, even when I fail to realize He's a work.

That's what God's been doing in my heart here lately. Calming me. Reminding me how blessed I am. I tend to get caught up in the rush of life...and He just says, ever so gently, Be still, and find peace in me my child.

Who am I to deserve such love?! :)

Or blessings such as these:

"Call it a clan, call it a network,
call it a tribe, call it a family:
Whatever you call it,
whoever you are,
you need one."
- Jane Howard

my precious parents :)

we'll be best friends forever, no doubt.

Can you believe he's EIGHT months old already???

My little mini-me! :)

KK turned 9!! My babies are growing up!

2 of my favorite people. Beezie and Payton :)

Life doesn't get much better than this. I'm unbelievably blessed. And extra thankful.

Count your blessings today. And be still.

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.

Friday, October 2, 2009

ever so sweet reminder.

(remember to pause the music)

And once again, the Lord reminds me of why He chose me for Special Education.
May I always strive to may a difference.

Have a blessed day! Enjoy the weather, and thank God for your blessings!

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.