Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Because I think the world should know.

Whitney Nicole Rodgers.
She has been a true example of God's love and faithfulness in my life these past 2(1/2) years. She came into my life when I was least expecting it. Color guard, a pastime :), brought us together. July 2006 is when our paths first crossed, and the rest is a complete God story. From football games, pictures, costume/birthday parties, parades, movies, girls nights, roomies, 20 questions, diet coke, whoppers, swimming, Disney movies, painting, etc...our friendship has blossomed into one of my most sacred treasures. God allowed me the privilege of helping point her to His cross, and for that I will always be thankful. Whit was saved our Fall semester of 2006. And let me tell you she's grown into an AMAZING Godly woman. She desires to know more and grow daily in her walk with Christ. She challenges me with her questions and desire. Whit and I joke about how we missed out on all those years (elementary-high school)...but I thank God for us missing out on those years because we probably wouldn't be friends now. You see, Whitney and I are two very different people, and yet so alike all the same. We share a heart for special people, and I believe God used Whit to help open my heart to that. I don't deserve her friendship, not even the least little bit. However, I praise God for bringing her into my life. My mama has always told me to surround myself with people who encourage me, and Whitney does just that. On my worst days, Whitney points out all the positive...and I don't mean in that annoying peppy way either. I am blessed because of her. I pray that God allows everyone to find a friendship like this. Whit, we're growing old together. Wheelchairs, walkers, rocking chairs, kids, marriage, and all. :) I love you more each and every day. God, I thank you for Whitney.

Until next time.
Love God. Love People.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Operation Christmas Child.

I'm somewhat behind...but "better late than never, right?" Our college Sunday school class, along with a few others, got to work at the Operation Christmas Child in Atlanta, GA the last weekend in Nov. We go every year...and it was just as special this year, if not more. God has His hand all over OCC. It's such a blessing to know that I've had a small hand in helping in God's ministry. Our group worked from 3-11pm, and I'm not going to lie, we were give out, tired, hungry, etc...you name it. However, behind all of those feelings...we were full of JOY. The utmost joy was overflowing off every one's face. At one point during the night it was my duty to separate the boxes into boy from girl for packaging. I got to watch my friends and family work for Christ. Such a blessing. They were putting their whole hearts into it. Just knowing that some precious child will open this one day very soon brings a smile to my face, even now. :) I'm so thankful for this opportunity. Hope I'm able to go again next year, and the next...

Until next time.
Love God. Love People.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

Is it really December, already?!
My calendar sure says so, but it's hard to believe.
My precious, adorable great-grandma, Beezie, turned 95 Dec. 1st.
She is, without a doubt, one of the most amazing, Godly women I have ever had the privilege of knowing. And might I add she's the meanest cook in the South. :) She cooks for our entire family every Sunday and Wednesday. And you haven't tasted a homemade pound cake until you've tasted hers. From her teenage years until she turned 91 she cleaned Ecru Baptist Church, all by herself. Wow, I know. I'm very much like Beezie in that we're both extreme "pack rats", and we can sing alto with the best of em'. Such a testimony she has lived in front of me 20 1/2 years. :) I thank God daily for this lady, and hope I get to spend many, many more years with her. I don't like to think of life without her; but I know that when Heaven gets her, it will be that much sweeter. Happy Birthday Beezie. I love you.

Here are some pictures of our Thanksgiving day @ Beezie's house. We ate, laughed, climbed trees, laughed some more, and we thanked God for all He has done and will do.

The McGee's minus Heather's bunch.

Daddy also killed a 10-point, and our family packed shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child (blog on that later)

I'm beyond blessed. Thank you Father.
Until next time.
Love God. Love People.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thankful, yes. I am.

I've been asked this question about 100 times since Friday..."What are you most thankful for?"
I haven't been able to give a single person my complete honest answer because, well, my list is about as long as the Mississippi River. You catch my drift. :) I have sooooooo much to be thankful for, or should I say thank God for. Yes, He deserves all my praise. If I had to pick the biggest thing that I'm thankful for it'd have to be God's amazing grace. Thank you for sending Jesus to die on Calvary so that I might have life. Eternal life. :)
My heart <3 is full because of HIM.
Here's a tiny portion of my "What I'm thankful for list"
God's grace. Daddy's patience. Mama's dedication. Brittany's passion. Aunt Knee's friendship. Beezie's "Hey Sug". Freedom. Christopher Allen. Cousins. Soldiers. President Bush. Mamaw/Papaw. Contacts. Jobey. Chapstick. Box Fans. Family, all of them. Cellphones. Indoor Plumbing. Houseshoes. The Gillentine's. Fellowship with my precious church family. Micah. Mox. Debo. Karen Kingsbury books. Bottled water. Pictures. Friends. Christmas with family. BSU. Health. Wireless internet. Car. Ice Cubes. Papie. Teachers. Remote controls. Soft toliet paper. Missionaries. Pillows. Future husband. Hobby Lobby. Jacob Kyle. Joy. Valleys. Mountain Tops. Voice. Sight. Memories. Caller I.D., etc, etc, ETC...
This list goes on, and on..I could bore you to death I'm sure.
Happy Thanksgiving. :)
Love God. Love people.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

He loves me utterly...

Everyone longs to give themselves to someone-- to have a deep soul relationship with another-- to be loved thoroughly and exclusively. But to a Christian, God says, "No, not until you are satisfied, fulfilled, and content with being loved by Me alone-- with giving yourself totally and unreservedly to Me". I love you, my child. And until you discover that only in Me is your satisfaction to be found, you will not be capable of the perfect human relationship I have planned for you. You will never be united with another until you are united with Me-- exclusive of anyone or anything else, exclusive of any other desires or longings. I want you to stop planning, stop wishing and allow Me to give you the most thrilling plan existing-- a plan you cannot imagine. I want you to have the best. Please allow Me to bring it to you. You just keep watching Me, expecting the greatest things-- keep experiencing the satisfaction that I am. Keep listening and learning the things I tell you. You just wait. That's all. Don't be anxious. Don't worry. Don't look at the things others have gotten or I have given them. Don't look at the things you want. You just keep looking off and away up to Me, or you'll miss what I want to show you.

Then, when you are ready, I'll surprise you with a love far more wonderful than any you would even dream of. You see, until you are ready, and until the one I have for you is ready at the same time-- until you are both satisfied exclusively with Me and the life I have prepared for you-- you won't be able to experience the love exemplified in you relationship with Me, and is thus, perfect love.

And dear one, I want you to have this most wonderful love. I want you to see in the flesh a picture of your relationship with Me and to enjoy materially and concretely the everlasting union of beauty, perfection, and love I offer you with, Myself. Know that I love you utterly. I am God. Believe it, and be satisfied." -Author Unknown

My daily reminder to be patient and wait on the Lord.

my precious "T" man :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!

Today is a big day in our nation's history.
November 4th, 2008, election day.
(It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible. George Washington)
This is my first presidential election to be able to vote in, and that's pretty exciting in itself.
McCain/Palin. All the way.
Any who, life is good. School is good. We have only 13 days until Thanksgiving break.
Excited is an understatement on my part. :)
Our BSU costume party went great. We had a huge turnout, and there were some very interesting costumes.

"Grease" :)

Salt & Pepper, Pepsi Machine, Pink Kangaroo (Dr. Seuss), and myself.

Where's Waldo??, Christmas Tree, The Incredible's.
Dr. McCoy
Papaw & Mamaw (both girls, haha), Fred Flintstone, & Raggedy Ann.
Nick & I, Play-Doh, Joel Osteen, Moses, John the Baptist, Deviled Egg.
The End.
Go Vote.
Love God, Love people.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Busy as a bee.

Ahh...life is just busy. I'm sure I speak for everyone.
I had my last football game today. Last time to twirl my dearly, beloved flag. No more 98-100 degree marching practices. No more dancing in the stands. No more nasty pom-poms. Do I miss it, you might ask? Right at this very moment...not in the least bit. I'm sure I'll look back in a few years and think man, those were great times. However, I do believe I've served my time on the marching field. 13 years. Wow. Good times.
Let's see. God's been dealing with me a lot here lately. I've realized just how small my faith is actually. I guess you could say I'm just struggling with some things right now. Two things really.
1. My major
2. Summer Missions
I know God is in control, and that's what keeps me sane. :) He has a plan. I'll just keep praying. and patiently waiting.
On a more positive note. I'm beyond blessed. I seem to realize that more and more every single day.
LOVE this little lady right here. She'll be 14 in a few months. I can hardly believe it.
Until next time.
Love God. Love people.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

sweet, sweet october.

Fall. :) I absolutely, positively love this time of year. Leaves are changing colors, and OH the beauty of the sunsets and starry nights. I'm taken in back in awe by the beauty of my creator. I can't even begin to understand how people can look at all of His creation and not believe. They are missing out on the beauty of life. This weekend was our BSU campout. We had around 50-60 people there. (praise Him!) We had a great time. Good Christian fun. Lots of hotdogs and smores. Not to mention the loads of caffeine. I think we made our way to our tents around 3:30 am. But even then you could hear the small talk amongst the bunch. I caught myself several times through the night just staring off into the fire. For one, I'm mesmerized by fire, and two I was just thinking about how blessed I am. Blessed to be alive. Blessed to have such amazing friends. Godly friends. Blessed to have a family who loves me unconditionally. My mama tells me all the time, "Ash, you're having the time of your life right now." I do believe she's right; As she usually is :) We're out for Fall Break this Monday and Tuesday. Joy. Excitement.
More pictures, of course.
Our mentor group. Precious girls.
Chris, Chadwick, me, Harrison.
BSU campout. (just a few folks)
Until next time.
Love God, love people.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New, yes, new.

So. I'm new to this whole blog thing. But I must say, I'm pretty excited about it. Here goes....This week is going wonderfully. God in all His majesty is blessing me in ways I never thought possible. But then again, He always does. :) I'm growing to love Him more and more each and every single day. This school year has gotten off to a great start. BSU is up and BOOMING. We're going camping this weekend...and we have 75 people signed up. WOW, I say! 75 students at a tiny campsite in Iuka=a load of loud, hotdog, marshmellow, Jesus loving fun! I'm excited to say the least.
Here's some pictures from August until now.
i got to go visit whit. she's my best. miss her sooo much.
Lay Renewal. I stayed with the Gillentine's, and
they are absolutely precious. :)
Rafting. Entirely too much fun. Chris and I were too excited.
Blessed. Love them beyond words.
Football season. Love this time of year.
Until next time.
Love God. Love people.