Monday, December 28, 2009


Oh what a splendid time of year. Quite possibly my favorite.

My family and I have had such a wonderful Christmas.

I have been so unbelievably blessed.
It seems so easy to forget throughout the busyness of everyday life...
But this time of year never fails to remind me.

I celebrated my 21st Christmas, as always, at my precious Beezie's house. I went over early to help out in the kitchen, and when I got there Beezie was mixing up her pound cake. I decided to snap a picture, and I "scared the fire out of her". (hahaha) It was so funny. She didn't realize I was going to take a picture, and she thought lightening had came through. :) We all got a good laugh.

We ate a delicious supper, and then we opened presents. It was such a sweet time together. This year was Payton's first Christmas, and we just gooed and gahed over him. :)

Payton's 1st Christmas :)

The McGee's. So blessed.

We ended the night by singing Christmas carols.

When we got back home, Brit and I gave mama and daddy their present.

And then Paul came to get his Day 2 present. Brad Paisley tickets. He had asked me about going after I had already bought us tickets. So, I told him I didn't really care about going. Needless to say, he was surprised! :)

Then, of course, Christmas morning. Santa was too good to Brit and I. After we opened our presents we went down to watch Madison and Payton open their presents. It was so fun to watch.

For lunch, I went with Paul to eat with his family @ Nana's. I didn't take a single picture, and I'm still mad @ myself. :( After lunch we went to his Mama & Daddy's to exchange presents. I had so much fun, and his family is just precious.

We went back to Madison and Payton's. Paul got Payton a camo coat, and this is probably one of my favorite pictures ever. They are making almost the exact same face :) haha!

After we finished opening presents there we came back to my house to finish opening gifts. Paul got me lots of good presents, but my biggest present was a Cricut. :) EXCITED wasn't the word. I had no idea what he had me, and he did so good! (Thanks Pauly!)

And his final Day 1 gift was camo seat covers for his truck. He was excited!

Lastly, Mama's side came over for Christmas last night. Mama did a wonderful job on the food, as always. We had a house full, and it's always great to see all of them. We're all so busy so we cherish the time we do get to see each other.

We had such a great Christmas! I am completely blessed.
I have the BEST family in the whole world!
And I have a wonderful Savior who came as a little baby into this world so that I might know salvation. Thank you Jesus, I am so unworthy!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas as well.

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Paul's birthday was last Friday, Dec. 18th. (Happy Birthday Paul). We went out to eat and had planned on going to see a movie. However, Tupelo was super crowded and we weren't up for braving the chaos.

Anywho, to make a long story short....I was having to distract Paul because a surprise party was in the making for him @ my house. :)

FINALLY, after 2 trips to Wal*Mart, 1 to Fred's, and a short (emergency) stop by Madison & Payton's house we made it home. (A few of our friends...Micah Torey Wages, was running late therefore an emergency stop was made)

We got to my house around 9, and walked in. I was even confused as to where everybody was. Then all of a sudden they jumped up from behind our bar.

Wonderful :)
Surprise Party=success.

We had such a wonderful time, and enjoyed catching up with all of our friends.

More on my Christmas festivities to come. :)

Happy (late on my blog) Birthday Paul!
I love you!

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.

Monday, December 7, 2009

completely worth the wait.

I have the BEST boyfriend in the whole world!

and I just thought you all should know. :)

Hope everyone is having a great Monday!
Be thankful today!

ps. For all my single friends out there, keep praying and waiting. God's timing is perfect.

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Sweet Beezie.

96 years old today.

The sweetest woman in the whole entire world has a birthday TODAY.
My precious Beezie. :)

Words cannot even begin to express how much I love this lady.
I am thankful to the good Lord for her every single day.

There are very few people my age who still have their great-grandmother.
Please know I do NOT take this for granted, not even a little bit.

I'll never forget my 11th grade year. Beezie fell.
We rushed to her house and I remember keeping her still and trying to control her bleeding forehead.
Through her fall she broke her neck and arm.
91 years old at the time, the doctors gave her a very slim chance.
They said she'd recover pretty well if (and they stressed IF) she made it through surgery. They gave her 20% chance.

I remember pleading with God. I wasn't ready to let her go.

And my precious Savior allowed her to recover 100%.

A few years later she was walking out to her swing set and slipped on some acorns in the yard. She broke her pelvic bone.
Doctors told us how slim the chance of recovery was once again.

And my precious Savior allowed her to recover, again, 100%.
Oh, praise Him!

I tell you these stories to tell you that I do not take her life for granted.
I know every single day is a blessing from God. He wasn't finished with her, and He still isn't.

She is a living, breathing testimony of God's unconditional love.
Never in my life have a I heard her utter a single harsh word about anyone.
She sees the good in everything and everyone.

"That's what I say" is one Beezie's sayings, and it's my favorite. Along with "Hey, Sug!"

She is the perfect model for the Proverbs 31 woman. Every single verse describes her.

I hope I grow to be half the woman she is.

Happy Birthday Beezie!
I love you so much!

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.