Thursday, August 20, 2009

Official Bulldog.

Well, it's official. I'm a Mississippi State University student.

Three years ago I would have never, in a million years, have guessed that I would be a student here. God had other plans, and I'm sure glad He did. I really do love it here. My teachers are all really nice and very passionate about what they are doing. Annnd, I get to live with and beside 2 of my best friends. Whit and Chris.

Life back in Mississippi is just plum gooooood :)

Jacob, another best friend of mine, is moving off to Texas for an intern with Shane and Shane. WOW, I know, right?! Texas for 2 years. It's such a bittersweet time for all of us. Chris, he, and I have been inseparable for the past 4 years, and now that's coming to an end. But, at the same time he's received this amazing opportunity to serve and following God's call on his life. I'm proud of him, and I know he'll do great. And as for the rest of us in Mississippi...many road trips will be made.

2 weekends ago, Paul and I took a group of boys on a picture scavenger hunt for a birthday party, and we had sooo much fun! We were running (literally) all over Pontotoc. A few of the things to do were... 1. Pump .25 cents of gas and get a receipt, 2. Get a police officer's signature (we used Paul's) 3. Take a picture on the court house steps, 4. Take a picture of graffiti, 5. Give a flower to a food place employee.... The list had about 25 things or so, and it was such a fun birthday idea. We had just as much fun as the kids :)

My little man, Payton, is growing like a weed. He'll be SEVEN months old in 6 days! Oh, he's sooo cute! And when I say cute, I mean CUUUUTEEE!! :) I've taken a TON of pictures of him. Beezie laughed and said "I bet you have over 1000" ...and I do, seriously! I just can't get enough of him! He's adorable, and such a reminder of God's love for us. I love him completely, and God loves him even more than me... I can't even begin to fathom.

Check out my little smush!

He spent the night with me, and we had so much fun.

Tell me this isn't the most PRECIOUS picture in the WORLD.

Sunday afternoon nap, swinging with Beezie :)

Speaking of little munchkins growing up...Britta, Mimi, and Kati. My little hearts. I can't even describe how much I love these 3 girls.

They will always be my babies.

B's in high school....AHHH, time slow down!

Papaw's peas have finally came in. So we've been just a pickin' and a shellin' for the past week.
He's so cute.'s part of my room in my cute little apartment.

The end. Remember Erika Heatherly in your prayers. She's in surgery now.

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.

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