Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I got my hair cut today.
That's right...almost 4 inches.
I was a chicken to say the least.
Simply because I've never really been the short hair type.

Here's the end result.

and I'm surprisingly happy. :)

I start my SENIOR year @ MS STATE tomorrow.
Excited could quite possibly be an understatement.
I am commuting and I'm happy about it (ask me again in 3 months).
I'm such a "home body" and I know I'll love being at home with my family.
It's only 3 days a week too.
I'm excited to see all my friends, and GRADUATE. (April 29 to be exact)

Looking forward to a good year.

Please join me in praying for Paul's family. They found out his Aunt Kay is really bad sick today and didn't give her a good outlook at all.

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.


Lauren said...

LOVE your hair, dear. and.. Praying for Paul's family!
Only God knows our expiration dates! :)
Love you!

The Gillentines said...

Love your hair!!! You look very grown up--I guess a senior should!!! Hope you have a GREAT year--and maybe we will all run into you since you are communting!! Praying for ya--we love you!! David, Kerrie, Bailey and Payton

Ashley Grant said...

LOVE your hair!! It will take some time to get used to though! :D
Congrats on being a big Senior!! Praying of Paul's family.