Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thankful, yes. I am.

I've been asked this question about 100 times since Friday..."What are you most thankful for?"
I haven't been able to give a single person my complete honest answer because, well, my list is about as long as the Mississippi River. You catch my drift. :) I have sooooooo much to be thankful for, or should I say thank God for. Yes, He deserves all my praise. If I had to pick the biggest thing that I'm thankful for it'd have to be God's amazing grace. Thank you for sending Jesus to die on Calvary so that I might have life. Eternal life. :)
My heart <3 is full because of HIM.
Here's a tiny portion of my "What I'm thankful for list"
God's grace. Daddy's patience. Mama's dedication. Brittany's passion. Aunt Knee's friendship. Beezie's "Hey Sug". Freedom. Christopher Allen. Cousins. Soldiers. President Bush. Mamaw/Papaw. Contacts. Jobey. Chapstick. Box Fans. Family, all of them. Cellphones. Indoor Plumbing. Houseshoes. The Gillentine's. Fellowship with my precious church family. Micah. Mox. Debo. Karen Kingsbury books. Bottled water. Pictures. Friends. Christmas with family. BSU. Health. Wireless internet. Car. Ice Cubes. Papie. Teachers. Remote controls. Soft toliet paper. Missionaries. Pillows. Future husband. Hobby Lobby. Jacob Kyle. Joy. Valleys. Mountain Tops. Voice. Sight. Memories. Caller I.D., etc, etc, ETC...
This list goes on, and on..I could bore you to death I'm sure.
Happy Thanksgiving. :)
Love God. Love people.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Lets make a promise to never let each other forget what all we have to be thankful for.

love you best.