Thursday, February 25, 2010

Time is flying.

February where did you go?!
I can't believe this month is almost over.
I mean it seriously seems like yesterday was February 1st.
Despite all the busyness and running around, it's been a very good month.

1. We celebrated my sweet Mama's birthday.
2. Finished our CD for our fundraiser at church. (finally, whooo!)
*If you would like one, they're $10 and all $ goes to our mission trip to Maine.
3. Celebrated my first Valentine's day with my first boyfriend, ever. :)
4. Turned in 72 lesson plans, 2 midterms, 3 tests, an interactive bulletin board, 48 hours of practicum.
5. Threw Whitney a lingerie shower. (too much fun)
6. Bridesmaid dress fitting (# 3 for the year...3 of my sweet friends are getting hitched this year) :)

I'm sure there will be plenty more to happen in the next few days of February but for now I'm soaking up the days with my roomie. Whit's getting married in 16 days..........yo time, slow down a little.

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.


Whitney said...

just teared up. Thanks. I miss you already. Now, no more of this sad stuff! Love love love you.

Claire said...

I agree, time has definitely flown by. Sounds like you are having one amazing time at State! :) Love you.