Saturday, February 27, 2010

Who do you love the least?

Seriously, who do you love the least?

Think about it.

If you could chose ONE person, and just say.."Yeah, that's definitely the person I love the least. Who would it be?

Think about it.

I mean we're called to love everybody as Christians. But there are some people we just love less than others, right?

Think about it.

Is it your mom? Your dad? A sibling? A relative? A friend from high school? A friend from college? A person in the BSU? A church member? A person in your youth group? Your college class? Your teacher? Your next door neighbor? A person in the community?

Have you thought about your person?

That's how much you love Jesus.

Matthew 25:40 says "The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'

At my church we have been talking a lot about this concept. I don't want to love Jesus like that, ever. He loves me unconditionally on a daily basis, all day mind is too small to grasp that concept. Even when I am unfaithful and not paying Him any attention He's still working in my life. Who am I to deserve that kind of grace?

Work on loving the person you love least today.

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.


His Doorkeeper said...

Ashley, You are a precious young lady! I love your tribute to your Mother for her birthday! Bet it was the best gift she got!! Your family picture is so sweet about an All-American family!!

Thanks for the note on my blog!
Have a great Sunday tomorrow!

Anonymous said...
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Joy in the Midst said...

Sorry I'm just now replying! But yes, I have given into blogging.. I love it.. and I love reading yours! Very encouraging! Just from meeting you once and reading your blog, you seem like you are such a sweet, sweet girl! God bless :)