Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I always try to have a big get together @ my house before summer actually starts.
Summer is always so busy with folks going on mission trips, summer school, camps, etc.
It's always SOOO much fun to see everybody, and it's good to just catch up.
I have so many wonderful Christian friends, and I am SO thankful for each and everyone of them. We may not see each other as much as we'd like, but there is such a sweet bond when we all reunite :)

Here are some pictures from the night.

Go STATE! :) (Happy Birthday Chris)


Several people missed out on the picture, but here's some of the crowd.

We had such a great time. And we laughed until we hurt. I'm just so thankful for such wonderful friends.

On another note, I'm leaving with my Sunday School class Friday afternoon headed to Maine. We're going on a mission trip to help out with a church there. We're driving... a LOOONG way :) I'll definitely try to update about our trip while I'm gone. Prayers are appreciated.

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.

1 comment:

Mego88 said...

Ohhhh.. and we love those get partays at the McGee house. It always amazes me at how we can go so long without seeing each other, but when we do it's like we never were apart.