Thursday, April 7, 2011

730 days

730 days ago, I was about as nervous as any girl could get.
I really can remember it like it was yesterday.

A blue-eyed, handsome fella (Paul) asked this ole' small town gal (me) out on a date about this time 2 years ago.

My heart still gets all giddy just thinking about it even now.

Happy 2 years to the one who:

*makes me laugh more than anybody on Earth

*puts up with me on good days and bad days

*tells me I'm beautiful

*loves my family

*doesn't get mad when I fall asleep in almost every movie we watch

*believes in me

*risks his life at work so that the world might be a little safer place

*brings me flowers, just because

*loves me just the way I am

*lets me have a good cry from time to time

*tells me he loves me about 25 times a day

*makes me a better person

*loves Jesus and my church family

*listens to me when I complain and worry

*takes pictures with me (even though he dislikes it, a lot)

*knows my faults and loves me anyway

*I prayed for so long

*sends me letters in the mail

*believes in my passion for Special Education

*puts up with my indecisiveness

*holds my hand in the car & when we pray

*is my best friend

*I trust with all my heart and soul

*I want to grow old with.

Happy 2 years,Paul!

I thank God that He loved us enough that in return we might be able to love each other. The past 730 days of my life have been wonderful. Even on the yucky days. Just knowing you are right beside me along the way makes all the difference. Thank you for making me the happiest girl in the world! I will never, ever stop thanking my precious Savior for you.

Here's to a lifetime of love, happiness, and too much laughter.

I love you, forever and always!

p.s. For those of you who have prayed for my Mama & Mamaw. I can never, ever say thank you enough!

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.


Nicole said...

Wow, we are alike. I almost wrote a posted titled the EXACT same thing earlier this week (it was our 2 year kiss anniversary- it's the only exact date I have :)). Y'all are such a cute couple and I can see the Lord all over you guys. Happy 2 years!

caitlyn said...

I remember this like it was yesterday too! I remember when I found out and stopped in the middle of the road until you told me what exactly happened. Remember? :) happy 2 years!

Libby said...

Aw! So sweet! I'm so thankful God brought you His man! Such a good looking couple! May God bless you with many more happy healthy years together! Love ya!