Friday, January 22, 2010

January 26th.

I have to say that TODAY is extra special! Today the McGee family celebrates not one, NOT two, but THREE birthdays. That's right, my daddy, my sister, and little man Payton. I think it is so cool how God allowed this to happen. Three birthdays, in one family, on one day. Doesn't happen too often. I'm sure thankful it happened to my family though. :)

To my precious Daddy. I've loved you for over 21 years now, and I grow to love you more each year. Especially now that I'm "growing up." You are the best Daddy in the whole world, and I see so many qualities of you in my own life. You are the most patient person I know. You serve others before yourself, always. You lead our church into the presence of God through music every Sunday. I love watching you. I find myself, all the time, standing in awe that God would give me such a wonderful Daddy! You are a constant support, and always have been. If I've ever thought I couldn't do something, you've been there pushing..and encouraging. You've always believed in me. And you've disciplined me. We look back now and joke about all the spankings I got. (the church ones are the best) I know I deserved waaaaay more than I got. But seriously, thank you. All those times you said "This hurts me more than it hurts you"...I'm starting to grasp that concept. :) Thank you for loving my sweet mama, and thank you for the example y'all have always set before me. You are the most amazing Daddy in the whole world. I thank God for you everyday. Happy Birthday Daddy!! I love you so much!

To my sweet sister, Brittany. 15 years ago today I was at school in the 1st grade. I can remember it like it was yesterday. JoyBeth busted into class and said that you were about to come into the world and we had to get to the hospital. I was so nervous/excited/scared about meeting you. I had waited 9 loooong months to meet you, so it was a very exciting day for me! Once we got to the hospital I thought you'd never get here. Finally, the moment arrived and daddy brought you out all snuggled in a baby blanket. (Feet showing, haha. And you know that story) :) Daddy was grinning from ear to ear. I can still remember Daddy bending down showing you to me for the first time. I peaked over that blanket ever so slowly and it was instant love. A bond that we'll share, without a doubt, for the rest of our lives. Britta, I can hardly believe you are 15 now. Where has time gone? I hope you know that I love you with every ounce of my being. You and I share something that I'll never be able to share with any other person, ever. You are growing into a beautiful young lady. You excel at everything you do, and I am loving the chance to watch you blossom. I will always be your biggest fan. Not only in basketball, but life. I've got your back, always. Happy 15th Birthday Britta! You are the BEST sister anyone could ask for! I love you so much!!

To my little man Payton (aka= my Smush). Can you seriously be ONE?!! A year ago today, we could hardly believe that you'd be coming in the world on Daddy and Brit's birthday. We were already excited to meet you...but this just added to it. (Esp. for Daddy & Brit) 5lbs and 1oz. You were perfect in every single way, and you still are today. 10 tiny fingers and 10 tiny toes. Our little miracle. Holding you for the first time is still embedded in my heart. I couldn't take my eyes off you. You've grown so much in just a year, and I've enjoyed every second of it too. You are so cute, so funny, and you have the best personality. Happy 1st Birthday Payton!! I love you so very much! You have brought so much joy into our lives. Please don't grow up too fast!

Now you know why TODAY, January 26, will always hold a special place in my heart.
annnnd Happy Birthday Jacob Waldo!! He also shares the big day! :)

Until next time.
Love God. Love people

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