Friday, July 15, 2011

be near.

As I sit here typing this...
I have a sweet little fella sound asleep right by my side. :)

My little Payton...

who is growing up WAAAY too fast for my liking I might add.

If you haven't realized it yet, I LOOOOVE this kid so much! He makes me laugh all the time. He's so funny, so caring, and so lovable. Not to mention CUUUTE!!

You are talking so good now, and you're making complete sentences. Some of your favorite statements are: "I know!", "Oh my stars," "Do it again," "Where," "Why,"...and I love them all!

You love Mickey Mouse & all his friends and Lightening "McQueeeeeen" :)I can have Paul call my cell phone and act like Mickey Mouse and you go wild! You like talking to Goofy too. Paul hasn't perfected his Donald Duck voice yet, but you always ask to talk to him too. :) You boys make my heart happy.

My prayer for you little man is that God will watch over and protect you. You are so little now, but I pray that your life would be filled with happiness, adventure, and most of all Christ. I wish I could keep you this tiny forever. But I know that I'd be robbing you of so many blessings.

I love watching you and Paul interact. He loves you little man. We both do. You are so loved. You and your big sissy both. I won't ever quit praying for you two.

Lord, watch over my sweet smush. You know how much I love him, and I can hardly comprehend that you love him waaaaay more. God, be near him always. Thank you for giving him to us. I pray that when the time is right, You'll prick at his heart and I pray that he'll be willing and receptive to accept You. My cup is running over Lord, thank you for your love and blessings. Help me to always return to You with praise.

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.


Libby said...

what a sweet, precious post! Not only is he so very loved, but he is so very blessed to have such God loving and fearing people supplicating on his behalf! Just precious!!

Lauren said...

Wow! I remember when this sweet man was born. You were giddy. He is so lucky to have a cousin who LOVES him so much! :)