Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I'd better pack...

Today is "officially" Wednesday. It's 12:46 am, and I'm wide awake...Not a good thing, haha. I have two tests tomorrow, and I feel pretty good about both of them. I've studied...hopefully my mind will recall properly. :) Anywho, I'm leaving to go on a mission trip with the BSU to San Francisco Thursday...as in TOMORROW. It still hasn't hit me yet...Why you might ask? Well for starters, I don't have a SINGLE item packed, at all. I think I work better under pressure when it comes to packing. At least that's what I'm hoping. Thursday morning we leave the BSU at 8:00 am, and my flying group leaves @ 12:35 on our first flight. We have a 4 hour lay over in Houston, TX, and then arrive in San Francisco at approximately 8:22 pm. Sooo, it should be a long day of travel for all of us folks. We are definitely excited though. Bro. Chris, our director, told me today that he knew for sure we'd be painting around the seminary. Which by the way, we are staying at the Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. We've "heard" that we have nothing but community showers. The "old, nasty locker room kind." Haha, the girls aren't so excited, however, we will manage. And hey, it's like I said...We could not have showers at all. We will just be warriors together. :) Seriously though, It's my prayer that God uses us. Every ability, talent, etc...I want us to leave exhausted to the point that we can't even stand up straight. All because we were servants of Christ. Amen? Amen. I really should get some sleep.

Can you believe my sweet Payton is growing up so fast???!!

After much convincing, Jacob finally has a blog :) Yay!

Hope you get to feeling better Best. Love you!

Say a prayer for all the folks going to San Francisco. Please pray for our safety, and that the Lord would be glorified in everything we say and do.

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.


Whitney said...

I am praying for you best! I love you and cant wait to hear what all God is going to do. Whoo Hoo. I just want to shout. We have a BIG God.

Love you Auntie.

The Gillentines said...

My sweet friend.(And my girls inspiration) The Lord has big things planned for you and remember you are in our prayers and thoughts daily. Be safe and have a GREAT time!!! People can see God shining through you!! We love you---David, Kerrie, Bailey and Payton (I hope you get the letters the girls sent you before you leave)