Sunday, April 19, 2009


Is this real?
Can school really be over in two weeks?
Why don't I do more?
Are we too different?
Is my life pleasing you?
What are you thinking?
Why now?
Am I really getting on a plane in 38 days?
Did you really choose me?
Are things different now?
Where is this going?
When people look do they see you or me?

I know this is unusual, and random. But some days, actually most days, I'm just that. These are questions that run through my head. I rarely ever have the answer. However, I'm thankful that my sweet Savior holds all the answers. When I have questions about my life, my future, my everything...He gently reminds me, "It's all taken care of." For this I am thankful.

I do know one thing. He's a McGee if I've ever seen one :)

This could possibly be my new favorite picture. I love her so much.

Until next time.
Love God. Love People.


Lauren said...

Girl, I can totally relate to those questions. I think it is good that we ask ourselves those often. Gets us where we need to be. Praying for you!

Whitney said...

ok i must say that i love the awkward posts have rubbed off on you.

and I am glad we are confused together.

Yes...all those things are going to happen even if we dont want them too...but the super sweet thing is that precious Jesus knows EXACTLY whats going to happen. and for Him its all going to be just perfect. Rest in that.

I love you best. Call me. Lets chat about a few of those other questions that I am SURE were not directed towards that precious Savior I was talking about =)

Paul Howayeck said...

yeah i can relate to those questions.... sometimes i think that it was all of me that chose to go this summer... but every time i look back on it... i see that it was of God that set everything up for me, that took care of every question and concern that i had. Well.... i think this blogging stuff is cool....