Friday, April 24, 2009

Good day.

It's official. I'm a Mississippi State Bulldog! :) I registered for my classes today, and I couldn't be more excited. I can not believe I'm going to "big girl" college in just a few months. I can't wait to live with Whit again. Along with Chris and Jake beside us. Fun times are coming our way, for sure.

Speaking of which, Whit got us a little kitty. Her name is Flower. She was so camera shy at first (unlike her mothers), but she's warming up to getting her picture taken. She is going to be such a diva!

My little man, Payton, is going to be 3 months on Sunday. Yes, that's right! Where is time going? My goodness! I went to see him today and I just loved on him. He's so precious in every way. :)

On another note. One of my precious kin folks went to be with Jesus today. Kay is her name. Kay was in her sixties, and mentally challenged. Kay had the biggest heart. When I was a little girl, I'd go over to see Kay and she'd always play with my hair. Ever since then, every time I've ever seen Kay she's played with my hair. Kay was recently diagnosed with cancer and it took over her body super fast. She went to be with Jesus today, and my heart is overwhelmed by that thought. Kay closed her eyes one last time and when she opened them she was with her Creator. Perfect. She is absolutely perfect. No more being handicapped. No more sickness, or pain. No more feeding tubes. She is made new. Oh what a sweet thought.

I ask you to say a prayer for Kay's mama, Aunt Margaret. She's dedicated her entire life to taking care of Kay. For sixty years she's been at Kay's side, and now she's gone. Yes, she is with her maker...but as we all know in death there is still pain. Margaret is such an inspiration. She has set such an example of what real love is and should be. Say a prayer for her, please.

I only have 7 days of school left at ICC...I'm soaking up every minute.

33 days until Lake Tahoe.

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Ashley McGee you're the best ever! I'm gonna miss you so much this summer!