Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bittersweet Goodbye.

The time has arrived.
I seriously can't believe it's actually here. Oh, of course I knew it'd come...just not this SOON. Yesterday, we had our last luncheon and our last 7:07 worship. For the past 3 years, my little world has revolved around the BSU. God has used it as an outlet for me to grow, to learn, to be loved and encouraged, and to make the best memories anyone could ever ask for. It is my prayer that in some tiny way my life has made an impact. I am so thankful for 3 years, not just 2.

To all my fellow BSUers, you will forever hold a piece of my heart. Thank you for each and every memory. Crazy late nights. Cram sessions. Sonic runs. WalMart. Connection groups. Docks. I could go on for days.

End of the year BSU dinner.

2008-2009 Leadership

And...these precious girls have just captured my heart.

We have until next Thursday. Don't worry, maaaaany more fun times are to come. :)

Until next time.
Love God. Love people.


caitlyn said...

too too sweet. :)

missing you already.

Lauren said...

Oh girl! Yours was said just right yourself!

I know that we will grow old together and I will for sure see you tons next year!
I love you to pieces girl!